10 indoor plants for bathroom without window

Transform your bathroom into a lush and vibrant oasis with these 10 indoor plant suggestions. No matter how small or windowless your bathroom may be, there is always a way to bring nature inside. These carefully chosen plants add a touch of greenery to your space and help improve air quality, reduce humidity, and create a soothing atmosphere for your daily self-care routines. Additionaly from low-light tolerant ferns to moisture-loving peace lilies, discover the perfect plants that thrive in the humidity of your bathroom and elevate your daily rituals to a whole new level of tranquility.

Understanding the Bathroom Environment

The humid and warm conditions

When it comes to choosing the right indoor plants for your bathroom, it’s important to consider the specific environmental conditions that these plants will be exposed to. Bathrooms are often humid and warm, thanks to the regular use of hot water for showers and baths. This means that any plants chosen for this space should be able to thrive in such conditions.

The light conditions from windows or artificial lights

Another important factor to consider is the lighting in your bathroom. Some bathrooms may have ample natural light coming in through windows, while others may rely more on artificial lighting. The amount and quality of light will determine the most suitable plants.

The space available for plants

The size of your bathroom and the available space for plants is another consideration. Some bathrooms may have limited space, while others may have large countertops or shelves that can accommodate larger plants. It’s important to choose plants that fit well within the space and do not cause any obstruction or inconvenience.

Importance of Indoor Plants in the Bathroom

Improving air quality

One of the main reasons to introduce indoor plants into your bathroom is their ability to improve air quality. Plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to purify the air and create a healthier environment. Additionally in bathrooms, where strong-smelling products like cleaning agents or toiletries are used, this can be particularly beneficial.

Providing a relaxing ambiance

Indoor plants have a calming and soothing effect on our senses, and having them in your bathroom can help create a relaxing ambiance. The sight of greenery and the presence of nature indoors can make your bathroom feel like a spa retreat, helping to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.

Adding a touch of style and liveliness

Introducing plants into your bathroom not only enhances the overall aesthetics of the space but also adds a touch of style and liveliness. Whether you opt for hanging plants, potted plants, or even a vertical garden, the addition of greenery can instantly uplift the design of your bathroom and make it feel more inviting.

10 Indoor Plants for Brightening up Your Bathroom

Characteristics of Ideal Bathroom Plants

Low light tolerance

Choose low-light-tolerant plants for thriving bathrooms. Opt for species renowned for shade resilience, perfect for windowless or minimally lit bathrooms.

Preference for humidity

Given the humid conditions in most bathrooms, it’s best to choose plants that prefer higher levels of humidity. These plants have adapted to thrive in environments where moisture is abundant and will require less effort to maintain in a bathroom setting.

Size and growth rate

Choose bathroom plants wisely by considering size and growth rate. Opt for those that won’t quickly outgrow the space, ensuring manageability. Select slow-growing or easily pruned options for ideal results.

Maintenance and care requirements

Each plant has its own set of care requirements, and it’s important to choose ones that fit well within your lifestyle and schedule. Consider the amount of time and effort you are willing to dedicate to plant care and choose plants that have low maintenance needs. This will ensure that your bathroom plants stay healthy and thrive with minimal effort.

Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera, renowned for its thick, succulent leaves and healing properties, thrives indoors. It adapts well to dry bathroom conditions, growing up to two to three feet tall in a rosette shape.

Growth and care requirements

Aloe Vera plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels in bathrooms. They require well-drained soil and should be watered thoroughly and allowed to dry out between waterings. Aloe Vera plants are low maintenance and can survive with minimal care.

Health and air purification benefits

Aloe Vera enhances your bathroom not just with its beauty but also with healing prowess. Its gel soothes burns and cuts, while purifying the air by eliminating toxins.

10 Indoor Plants for Brightening up Your Bathroom

Spider Plant


Spider plants are known for their long, arching leaves with white or yellow stripes. They are incredibly adaptable and can thrive in various conditions, including bathrooms. Spider plants can be grown in hanging baskets or placed on shelves or countertops, adding a touch of elegance and beauty to your bathroom.

Growth and care requirements

Spider plants are tolerant of low light conditions and can grow well in bathrooms with minimal natural light. They prefer well-drained soil and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry. Spider plants thrive in humid environments, making them an ideal choice for bathrooms.

Health and air purification benefits

Like other indoor plants, the spider plant also contributes to better air quality in your bathroom. It effectively removes toxins, such as formaldehyde and xylene, from the air, making it a great choice for improving the overall air quality in your bathroom.

English Ivy


English Ivy adds greenery and elegance to indoor spaces with glossy, dark green leaves. Grow it in hanging baskets or let it trail from shelves for a touch of nature.

Growth and care requirements

English Ivy thrives in moderate to bright indirect light, tolerating lower light. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. Maintain humidity through misting or a pebble tray. Prune to control growth.

Health and air purification benefits

English Ivy beautifies and purifies the air, reducing airborne mold and allergens. Ideal for those with allergies or respiratory sensitivities.



Bamboo is a unique and elegant plant that can thrive in the moist environment of a bathroom. This fast-growing plant has slender stalks and delicate, feathery leaves that create a sense of tranquility and serenity. Bamboo can be grown in containers or vases filled with water, offering a stylish and modern touch to your bathroom decor.

Growth and care requirements

Bamboo plants thrive in bright, indirect light but endure lower light. Regularly water them, keeping the water level above the roots. Use filtered water, as tap water may harm the plant. Occasionally feed with liquid fertilizer.

Health and air purification benefits

Bamboo plants, like many other indoor plants, help purify the air in your bathroom by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene. They can also contribute to the overall humidity in the room, creating a more comfortable and healthy environment.



Orchids are renowned for their exquisite beauty and delicate flowers. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, making them a stunning addition to any bathroom. Orchids are known for their elegance and can instantly elevate the overall aesthetic of your bathroom.

Growth and care requirements

Place orchids near a window for bright, indirect light—avoid direct sunlight. Use well-draining mix, water thoroughly, and let them slightly dry before rewatering. Thrive in humid bathrooms.

Health and air purification benefits

While orchids are not particularly known for their air purification abilities, they do release oxygen at night, making them a suitable choice for improving the air quality in your bathroom while you sleep.



Philodendron plants are known for their heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines, adding a touch of elegance to any bathroom space. However, they come in various varieties, including the popular heartleaf Philodendron and the trailing Philodendron Brasil.

Growth and care requirements

Philodendron plants thrive in bright, indirect light, tolerate lower light, prefer well-drained soil, and need watering when the top inch feels dry. Manage their vigorous growth with regular pruning.

Health and air purification benefits

Philodendron plants are effective at removing formaldehyde from the air, making them a valuable addition to your bathroom in terms of air purification. Additionally, their vibrant green leaves bring life and vitality to the space, helping to create a healthier and more inviting environment.

Plants for Bathrooms without Windows

Understanding the challenges

Bathrooms without windows pose a unique challenge when it comes to selecting indoor plants. These spaces often have limited or no access to natural light, which can make it difficult for many plants to survive. However, there are still options available that can thrive in low light conditions.

Best plants for low light conditions

When choosing plants for bathrooms without windows, look for varieties that are known for their ability to tolerate low light conditions. Some suitable options include the Snake Plant (Sansevieria), Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), and ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia). Additionally, these plants can adapt to low light environments and still provide the aesthetic and air-purifying benefits that other indoor plants offer.

Tips for care and maintenance

While plants in low light conditions generally require less frequent watering, it’s important to ensure they are still receiving adequate water. Check the moisture levels of the soil regularly and water accordingly. In the absence of natural light, artificial light sources can be used to provide some level of brightness for the plants. Additionally, rotating the plants regularly can help ensure that all sides receive some degree of light exposure. Regular dusting and occasional pruning will also help keep the plants healthy and thriving in their windowless bathroom environment.

Creating a green oasis in your bathroom can transform it into a refreshing and rejuvenating space. By choosing the right indoor plants that thrive in the humid and warm conditions, you can improve air quality, create a relaxing ambiance, and add a touch of style and liveliness to your bathroom. Whether you have a bathroom with natural light or one without windows, there are a variety of plants that can thrive and bring beauty to your space.

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