Why Cactus Turning Yellow: Learn causes and find solutions

Learn the reasons behind this common issue and how to bring your succulent back to health. Our guide provides expert insights on addressing issues like overwatering, insufficient light, and more. when why cactus turning yellow.

Have you recently noticed that why cactus turning yellow? It’s normal to feel concerned for your beloved plant, but don’t worry, we’re here to help! In this article, we will explore the common reasons why your cactus may be changing color, providing you with essential tips and insights to restore its vibrant green beauty.

So, grab your gardening gloves and get ready to discover the potential causes behind your yellowing cactus.

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow?

Common Causes Why Cactus Turning Yellow

If your cactus is suddenly turning yellow, there could be several reasons behind it. Understanding the common causes of why cactus turning yellow and how to address them is crucial in ensuring the health and vitality of your plants. Here are the five most common causes of yellowing cacti:

Lack of Sunlight

Proper sunlight exposure is crucial for the overall health of your cacti. Without sufficient sunlight, your cactus may start to turn yellow due to the lack of energy it receives.

Signs of insufficient sunlight include yellowing or pale green coloration, elongation of stems, and weak, spindly growth. To remedy this, you can provide your cactus with more direct sunlight by moving it to a brighter location, such as near a south-facing window or outdoors in a sunny spot. Just be cautious of extreme heat, especially during the summer months.

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow?


Overwatering is a common mistake when it comes to caring for cacti and can lead to yellowing. Cacti are adapted to survive in arid conditions, and overwatering can cause their roots to rot, preventing them from absorbing nutrients properly.

Signs of overwatering include yellowing or browning of the lower portion of the cactus, soft or mushy spots, and a musty or rotten smell. To prevent overwatering, it’s essential to let the soil dry out completely between waterings. Only water the cactus when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Additionally, ensure that you have a well-draining soil mix specifically designed for cacti to prevent waterlogged conditions.


You must know that why cactus turning yellow, the reason can be underwatering sometimes. Although cacti are drought-tolerant, they still require regular watering to thrive. If you neglect to water your cactus for extended periods, it can become dehydrated and display yellowing symptoms.

Signs of underwatering include shriveled or wrinkled skin, thinning of the pads or stems, and a yellowing or pale green coloration. To properly water your cactus, thoroughly soak the soil until water drains out from the bottom of the pot, and then allow it to dry out before watering again. The frequency of watering will depend on factors like the temperature, humidity, and size of your cactus.

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow?

Nutrient Deficiency

A lack of essential nutrients can also cause your cactus to yellow. Cacti typically require limited nutrients, but they still need a balanced supply to grow and thrive.

Signs of nutrient deficiency include yellowing of the overall plant, stunted or slow growth, and faded or discolored patches on the cactus. Fertilizing your yellowing cactus with a specialized cactus fertilizer can be an effective remedy. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package, and be cautious not to over-fertilize, as it can lead to other issues.

Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases can also take a toll on the health of your cactus, causing it to turn yellow. Common pests affecting cacti include mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects. These pests can sap the plant’s nutrients and weaken its overall health.

Signs of pest infestation include tiny insects on the cactus, sticky residue or webs on the plant, and yellowing, distorted, or discolored patches. In addition to pests, diseases like root rot and fungal infections can also cause yellowing. If you suspect pests or diseases, it’s essential to take immediate action. You can try using organic insecticides or horticultural oils to treat pest infestations or consult a professional if the problem persists.

Rejuvenating a Yellowing Cactus

Why cactus turning yellow, there are steps you can take to rejuvenate it and promote healthy growth.

Pruning and Trimming

Inspect your cactus and remove any visibly damaged or yellowed portions using clean, sharp pruning shears. Cutting away the affected areas can help redirect energy to healthier parts of the cactus and stimulate new growth.


Transplanting your yellowing cactus to fresh soil can provide it with a renewed growth environment. Choose a pot with good drainage and use a well-draining cactus potting mix. Carefully remove the cactus from its current pot, gently loosen the roots, and replant it in the new pot. Avoid watering for a week or so after transplanting to allow the roots to recover.

Providing Proper Care and Maintenance

After pruning and transplanting, it’s crucial to provide your cactus with the proper care and maintenance it needs. This includes maintaining the appropriate sunlight exposure, watering correctly, and applying appropriate fertilizer. Regularly inspect your cactus for signs of pests or diseases and take prompt action if any issues arise.

Preventing Cacti from Turning Yellow

While it’s essential to know how to address why cactus turning yellow, preventing the issue in the first place is always the best approach. Here are some tips to help keep your cacti healthy and vibrant:

Maintaining Proper Sunlight Exposure

Ensure your cacti are receiving sufficient sunlight for their specific species. Most cacti require at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Adjust their positioning accordingly, moving them closer to windows or outdoors if needed. However, be mindful of excessive heat, especially during the peak of summer, as it can scorch their delicate tissues.

cactus yellow

Watering Cacti Correctly

Establish a proper watering schedule for your cacti, taking into account factors like the temperature, humidity, and soil conditions. Remember to allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings and avoid overwatering. Using a well-draining cactus potting mix and pots with drainage holes can also help prevent waterlogged conditions.

Applying Appropriate Fertilizer

Feed your cacti with a balanced, slow-release cactus fertilizer during their active growing season. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package carefully, as too much fertilizer can cause harm. Additionally, consider supplementing with specific micronutrient fertilizers if you suspect nutrient deficiencies.

Regular Inspection for Pests and Diseases

Regularly inspect your cacti for signs of pests or diseases. Catching any issues early can prevent them from spreading and causing irreparable damage to your plants. Use organic insecticides or horticultural oils to treat pests, and consult a professional or local plant specialist if you need assistance with identifying or treating specific diseases.


By understanding the common causes of why cactus turning yellow and implementing appropriate care and preventive measures, you can keep your cacti healthy and vibrant, showcasing their unique beauty for years to come. Remember, a little love and attention go a long way in maintaining the well-being of your beloved cacti.

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